Mybase Desktop 7.3.5

MyBase Desktop(数据库管理软件) V7.3.5 汉化版 / myBase Desktop 7.3.5中文免费版 版本 软件大小: 15.47M 软件语言: 简体中文. Item/Name Version File Type File Size Action; myBase Desktop: for Linux (amd64): Ver 7.3.5.tar.bz2 pack: 19MB: Download: for MacOSX: Ver 7.3.5.dmg pack: 23MB.

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On this website, we provide high-quality software tools for personal data, information and knowledge management on desktop computers and collaborative knowledge base management over network, you can view the product information, check out the latest news and download the software packages for evaluation.

Major Products

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  • myBase for Linux/MacOSX/Windows

    myBase is a powerful information management system that allows entry of unstructured text, webpages, images, documents, emails and even arbitrary files without regard to length or format. All information is compressed with an integrated zip utility and stored in the tree structured outline form. Unlike traditional database systems, myBase accepts text input like a word processor, and provides better methods for capturing, editing, organizing, retrieving, searching and sharing information. [ More info ]

  • InnoKB ( Server: Windows/Unix; Client: Firefox/Safari/Chrome/IE/Opera )

    InnoKB is an innovative multi-user knowledge base management software that helps create and manage full-text searchable knowledge base by using web browsers over network. It is a web-based application with a server program running on server computers ( Windows/Unix ), and only a modern web browser ( Firefox/Safari/Chrome/IE/Opera ) required at client side. [ More info ]

Latest News

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  • myBase Desktop 7.3.5 for Linux/MacOSX/Windows, 2/20/2020

    Added support of MathJax for Markdown, Screen lock, Pasting image data as attachments, Copy linked images along with HTML source to Clipboard, and Bug-fixes;

    The online (CDN) version of MathJax is used by default. If you already have a local copy of the MathJax 2.7.x extracted in the file system, the folder location can be specified in the [Options - Content] dialog box to enable the local copy for speed up;

    The Lock screen can show up to keep the user interface hidden after being idle for a few minutes or the main window minimized, and a passcode can be set in the [Options - General] dialog box for user authentication on unlocking the user interface.

    In the case that Image is the only data type applicable in Clipboard, the Paste special dialog is the deafult action when pasting in Html/Rich content editors, so the image can be saved as an attachment with a user specified filename. The BASE64 optoin is still available.

    When copying contents in HTML/Rich text editor, linked images will also be copied to clipboard along with the HTML source.

    Added the Auto-index feature for contents to be automatically indexed when saving changes made to the contents. For existing contents previously added into your databases, or if you have the Auto-index option disabled, you'll still need to manually select the [File - maintenance - update indexes] menu item to update indexes. Before using the new version, it's recommended that you run the [Update indexes] utility for all existing contents to be indexed, and then newly added or modified contents will be automatically indexed when saving changes.

    More Info | Changelog | Documentation | Plugin Development | Download | Order/Upgrade

  • Webcollect 8.0 for Mozilla Firefox & Google Chrome (Linux/MacOSX/Windows), 01/15/2020

    A complete rewrite of the addon program for capturing webpages from in Firefox/Chrome with ease. Tekken 5 game free download for pc full version windows 7. Unlike old versions that usually produce a long list of files of stylesheets, images and html source, this version tries to save all images and stylesheets along with html source in a single file, no redundant .css/jpg/png/gif files needed, that helps keep things simple and neat;

    Added a new command [Copy Html + Images] which tries to capture selection or whole webpages and then put into system clipboard, then you can paste in InnoKB or Mybase Desktop or elsewhere you see fit;

    Added a log window for displaying detaled progress info while capturing contents;

    Compatible with Mozilla Firefox 55+ and Google Chrome 70+ on Linux/MacOSX/Windows.

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