Microsoft Explorer For Mac Os X

  1. Microsoft Explorer For Mac Os X
  2. Microsoft Explorer For Mac Os X Download

Internet Explorer for Mac, free and safe download. Internet Explorer latest version: Microsoft's now discontinued browser for Mac. Internet Explorer for Mac was Microsoft's free web browser designed to run on Mac computers. This is the newest version of Internet Explorer now available for all MAC OS X computers! Both Windows and Mac OS X have full read-write support for exFAT drives without any additional third-party software. FAT32 has some serious limitations–individual files can only be up to 4GB in size each, for example–but exFAT doesn’t.

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Note: Microsoft is no longer developing ordistributing Internet Explorer for theMacintosh. UITS strongly recommends that you use adifferent browser, such as Safari or Firefox.


Microsoft Explorer For Mac Os X

Microsoft explorer for mac os x

To view your cookies and control your browser's cookiesettings using Internet Explorer in Mac OS orMac OS X, follow the directions below:

Microsoft Explorer For Mac Os X Download

  1. In Mac OS X, from the Explorer menu, selectPreferences.... In Mac OS 9.x and earlier, from theEdit menu, select Preferences....
  2. In the Internet Explorer Preferences window, beneath'Receiving Files', select Cookies.
  3. Choose the action you would like from the list below:
    • To view your cookies, look in the right pane, beneath 'CookieSettings'.
    • To perform actions on your cookies, from the right pane, beneath'Cookie Settings', choose a cookie and then select Delete,View..., or Decline Cookies.
    • To change your cookie settings, beside 'When receiving cookies:',choose your preferred option. You can select each option and read thedescriptive text that appears directly below it to help you decidewhich option you prefer.