How To Set The Java Path In Mac For Jenkins

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Plugin Information

Distribution of this plugin has been suspended due to unresolved security vulnerabilities, see below.

  • Pipeline DSL step to add path to the groovy classpath. Features From your pipeline groovy code, call addToClasspath path. This will add a directory to the groovy classpath, allowing you to do things like import groovy classes.
  • If you see the correct version of Java, your path is already set. If you see 'java: command not found,' the path is not set, and you should continue with this method. If you see a version number other than the one you want to use, continue with this method to add the desired Java version to your path.

The current version of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before use:

Pipeline DSL step to add path to the groovy classpath

Open the Jenkins dashboard. Go to Manage Jenkins. Go to Global Tool Configuration to configure tools, their locations, and automatic installers. Go to the JDK section.


  • From your pipeline groovy code, call addToClasspath <path>. This will add a directory to the groovy classpath, allowing you to do things like import groovy classes. The [tests contain an example|] of what usage might look like.

Known Issues

  • Because of the way that pipeline scripts are loaded by Jenkins, it's not currently possible to use this step *and* do an import from your main Jenkinsfile / pipeline script. You *can* call addToClasspath from that script, and then call load to load other scripts. The loaded scripts will be able to use import and similar statements. There is a branch in the github repo which contains [a test illustrating this limitation|], and it's something I'd like to provide a solution for in a future release if the upstream doesn't come up with a more elegant solution.

Version history

Version 0.1.0 (August 8, 2016)

  • Initial Release

Java Setup

Since Jenkins is written in Java. Therefore, Java must be installed on your system. To download and install the Java, go to our previous chapter of this tutorial.

Now, to set up the Java_Home environment variable on Windows click here.

Once the java has been installed properly on your system and Java environment variable has been set, then you can verify it by using the following commands:

The following output should come:

Tomcat Setup

Download Tomcat:

The official website to download the tomcat is

When you click the given link, you will get the home page of the official tomcat website as given below:

Go to the link to download the latest version of tomcat.

Go to the 'Binary Distributions' section and download the file according to your platform. Here I am using 64-bit Windows zip for my 64-bit Windows operating system.

Unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file.

Jenkins and Tomcat Setup

Copy the downloaded Jenkins.war file (downloaded from the previous section) and copy it to the webapps folder of the tomcat directory.

Now open the command prompt. From the command prompt, browse to the directory where the tomcat is located. Then, go to the bin directory of this tomcat folder and run the startup.bat file.

When you run the above command then following output will come:

And two more windows will open. i.e., 'Tomcat' window and 'Windows Security Alert' window. Click on Allow access button in Windows Security Alert Window.

Once the processing is completed, the following line will come in the output of the Tomcat Window:

How To Set The Java Path In Mac For Jenkins Free

Now, open the browser and go the link: http://localhost:8080/jenkins. The following page will open:

The setup of Jenkins with Tomcat is successfully done.

Mac Java Home Path